10 lines on Electricity in English - Few lines on Electricity

Today, we are sharing short essay on Electricity in English. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Electricity in English. These 10 sentences about Electricity for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this paragraph about Electricity is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on Electricity is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

10 lines on Electricity in English

Short essay on Electricity in English

  1. Electric current is called electricity. The charged flow of electrons is called electricity.
  2. In today's world an easy life cannot be imagined without electricity.
  3. Human life has become very easy and convenient with the invention of electricity.
  4. TV, fridge, washing machine, etc. used in the house all run on electricity.
  5. Scientists have done a great favor to mankind by inventing electricity.
  6. Electricity was first discovered by a physicist named Thales.
  7. Electricity was first used in the world in 1830.
  8. If we talk about India, then electricity was first used in India in 1879 in the city of Kolkata.
  9. The method of electricity generation was first discovered by Michael Faraday.
  10. In today's time, electricity is being used in almost all areas, without electricity we cannot imagine good life.

10 lines on Electricity in English

F.A.Q ( Frequently Asked Questions )

  1. What is electricity?
  2. The flow of charges of electrons is called an electric current, which in common language is called electricity.

  3. Who invented electricity?
  4. Delhi was first invented by a scientist named Thales.

  5. When was electricity first used in India?
  6. Electricity was first used in India in 1879 in Calcutta.

  7. What is called Electricity in Hindi?
  8. The electricity is called Bijli ( बिजली ) in Hindi.

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