How Students Can Remove Plagiarism and Grammar Errors in Their Work?

Proofreading holds paramount importance in the realm of writing. Not all write-ups are written perfectly in one go. That is actually close to impossible and quite unfeasible. What most writers do is write first without worrying about mistakes and errors, and once the draft is complete, they go back to proofread it.

Then they find all the issues and deal with them. Most problems that get sorted out after proofreading are grammar issues and plagiarism. Grammar issues pertain to spelling mistakes, incorrect word forms, missing/incorrect punctuation, and mismatching tenses.

Plagiarism refers to uncited and uncredited content that does not belong to the writer. It may be deliberate, or it could be accidental. Regardless of it needs to be removed from the work because students can face heavy penalties for it. So, let’s see how students can conveniently check for and deal with these issues.

How To Check and Remove Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the bigger issue as grammar mistakes are not punished as heavily. That’s why we will discuss it first. So, there is only one reliable way for students to check for plagiarism in their work and that is to use an online tool. Given below are the steps required to check for and remove plagiarism from a given text.

1.      Find a Tool

First things first, the student has to find a plagiarism checker for detecting plagiarized content. This can be done easily by going online and searching for a plagiarism detector. Students will find many free tools that can check large chunks of text at once. If they are lucky, they might even find a free tool that does not require registration.

2.      Input Content

Inputting the content that needs to be checked is a straightforward matter. Students can copy and paste their text into the plagiarism checker. Most tools have a conspicuous text box for copy-pasting text.

Some advanced tools also have the option to upload a text file or import one from cloud storage. Students can choose whichever method they find convenient.

3.      Get a Report

Once the text has been inputted the plagiarism checker will compare it to millions of online sources. This process is done very quickly and typically takes no more than two minutes. After the check is complete a report is generated that shows the following information:

  •          Amount of plagiarism
  •          Sections of the text that have been plagiarized.
  •          Sources that were plagiarized

With that information, it becomes very easy to remove plagiarism.

4.      Edit the Plagiarized Content

In this stage, the student has to check whether the sources are flagged because the text is too similar, or if it was because of the content. If the plagiarism was due to the content, i.e., the same idea being discussed in the same way, then the student needs only remove it or cite the source.

If it was because of similar text, then students can use a plagiarism remover instead. This is a type of tool that can remove the similarity between two write-ups by drastically changing one of them. The output is a text that is different with respect to words and phraseology but content-wise is the same.

Alternatively, if the plagiarized content is not necessary for the overall write-up, then it can be deleted. That is a much easier way for students to avoid plagiarism.

How to Check and Remove Grammar Errors

Grammar errors can seep into anyone’s work regardless of their expertise in English. So, there is no shame in proofreading your work and looking for these errors. With that said students are not great at proofreading. They are inattentive or don’t know enough about the grammar rules to detect mistakes. So, here is what they can do instead.

1.      Find a Tool

Grammar-checking tools are a real thing. Students can go online and search for such tools. They don’t have to worry about paying either as many grammar checkers are available for free.

To search for a grammar checker, students only need to type the aforementioned phrase into a search engine and a plethora of tools will be shown to them. They can quickly select one after checking whether it’s free or not.

2.      Input the Content

Grammar checkers operate much like other content optimization tools. As such they usually have a large and conspicuous text box for inputting content. Students can either type their text directly into the box, copy and paste it, or (if the tool has the option) upload a text file directly to the tool.

It is really easy to do and takes next to no time at all. Once that is done the tool will do the rest.

3.      Check for Grammar

To check grammar, students need only press the button on the tool that starts the checking process. The checking process takes very little time as it is usually done within a few seconds.

After the check is complete, the various grammar errors and mistakes will be noticeable because they will be either:

  •          Underlined
  •          Or highlighted.

Different tools use different color schemes to differentiate between the types of errors. A legend is usually provided that tells the student what each color means.

4.      Correct according to the Tool’s Suggestion

Most tools let users correct each mistake by clicking on it. When a colored word is clicked, a drop-down menu opens up. This menu contains some key information.

  •          The type of error or mistake
  •          An explanation of the mistake
  •          A suggested correction for the mistake

This helps students to realize what their grammar mistakes are and lets them correct them quickly. To apply the correction, students need to click the drop-down menu again, or there might be a button that specifically says “Apply”.

Alternatively, students can also use the “Apply All” option to instantly make all the corrections. This is great for saving time and effort on the student’s behalf.


So, that’s how students can quickly and efficiently check and remove both plagiarism and grammar errors from their work. The steps involved are looking for appropriate tools, inputting the content, and letting the tool do its job.

This is incredibly straightforward to do and takes only a few minutes at best (depending on your internet speed and server load). These efficient, automated ways help students avoid inefficient manual methods without sacrificing learning.

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