10 lines on Chhath Puja in English - Few lines, 10 Sentences, 10 Lines Paragraph

Chhath Puja is a vibrant and joyous festival celebrated in India, primarily in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand. This special occasion is dedicated to expressing gratitude to the Sun God for life and prosperity.

Today, we are sharing 10 Lines, 15 Lines, 20 Lines and 5 Lines on Chhath Puja. This article can help the students who are looking 10 lines Paragraph on Chhath Puja. These 10 sentences on Chhath Puja for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this Few lines on Chhath Puja is medium so any student can write on this topic.

10 lines on Chhath Puja

10 Lines on Chhath Puja

  1. Chhath Puja is one of the major festivals of Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh.
  2. This festival is a festival of folk faith that is celebrated with great reverence.
  3. Chhath Puja is celebrated twice a year, once in the month of Chetra and the second time in the month of Kartik.
  4. Due to the celebration of this festival twice a year, its names are also different, first Chaiti Chhath and second Kartiki Chhath.
  5. The festival of Chhath lasts for four days, this festival is celebrated by keeping a fast.
  6. This festival begins with Nahay-Khay.
  7. After the Nahay-Khay, salt is not used in food.
  8. The second day of Chhath is known as Kharna, on this day Prasad is made.
  9. Kheer is made in Prasad, in which jaggery is used in place of sugar.
  10. On the third day of Chhath, Chhath Mata is worshiped on the banks of the river, and Aradh is given to the setting sun and the next morning the worship ends by giving Aradh to the rising sun.

10 Lines and Sentences on Chhath Puja

  1. Chhath Puja is a Hindu festival celebrated to honor the Sun God.
  2. It's mainly observed in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, and parts of Uttar Pradesh.
  3. People fast and offer prayers to the setting and rising sun with devotion.
  4. The festival spans four days, and each day has specific rituals.
  5. Women play a crucial role, observing rigorous fasting and performing rituals with devotion.
  6. The first day involves cleaning and purifying the home.
  7. On the second day, devotees offer arghya (water) to the setting sun.
  8. The third day is spent fasting without water, and prayers are offered to the rising sun on the fourth day.
  9. Chhath Puja is a symbol of purity, faith, and gratitude towards the life-sustaining sun.
  10. The celebrations create a vibrant atmosphere, bringing communities together in a spirit of unity and devotion.

Few lines and 10 Lines Paragraph on Chhath Puja

  1. Chhath Puja is a unique and special festival celebrated in India.
  2. People celebrate it to thank the Sun God.
  3. It happens in states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
  4. Families clean their homes and surroundings.
  5. Women observe fasting and offer prayers for the health and happiness of their families.
  6. On the second day, they offer water to the setting sun.
  7. The third day is a strict fasting day for everyone.
  8. Finally, they offer prayers to the rising sun on the fourth day.
  9. Chhath Puja is about love for nature and gratitude.
  10. It's a moment for families to gather and celebrate with happiness.

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10 lines on Chhath Puja
10 lines on Chhath Puja

20 lines on Chhath Puja

  1. Chhath Puja is a lively and colorful festival celebrated in India.
  2. People celebrate it to express gratitude to the Sun God for life and energy.
  3. This special festival is mainly celebrated in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand.
  4. Families clean their homes and surroundings to welcome the festivities.
  5. Women, especially moms and grandmas, play a significant role in the celebrations.
  6. The festival spans four days, each with its unique rituals and traditions.
  7. On the second day, families gather to offer water to the setting sun.
  8. The third day is a challenging one, as everyone fasts, even without water.
  9. The fourth day brings joy as prayers are offered to the rising sun.
  10. Chhath Puja teaches us about the importance of nature and gratitude.
  11. Families come together and share traditional songs, dances, and delicious food.
  12. The rituals involve beautiful decorations, like colorful rangoli and Diyas.
  13. Chhath Puja creates a positive and festive atmosphere in neighborhoods.
  14. Children often enjoy the vibrant processions and cultural performances.
  15. It's a time for unity, love, and appreciating the beauty of our environment.
  16. People dress in traditional attire, adding to the festive spirit.
  17. The festival teaches us valuable lessons about respecting and preserving nature.
  18. Chhath Puja is a time for joyous celebrations and creating lasting memories.
  19. The warmth of family and community is felt throughout this special occasion.
  20. Overall, Chhath Puja is a blend of tradition, culture, and the joy of coming together as one big family.

15 lines on Chhath Puja

  1. Chhath Puja is a colorful and joyful festival in India.
  2. People celebrate to thank the Sun God for life and energy.
  3. It's mostly celebrated in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand.
  4. Families clean their homes and surroundings to welcome the festival.
  5. Women play a big role in fasting and praying for their families.
  6. The festival lasts for four days, each with its special rituals.
  7. On the second day, people offer water to the setting sun.
  8. The third day is a tough fasting day for everyone, even without water.
  9. On the fourth day, we offer prayers to the sun as it rises in the sky.
  10. Chhath Puja is a time for love, unity, and gratitude towards nature.
  11. It's a special occasion for families to come together and celebrate.
  12. The rituals involve traditional songs, dances, and delicious food.
  13. Chhath Puja teaches us to appreciate and respect the environment.
  14. The festival creates a happy and vibrant atmosphere in communities.
  15. Overall, Chhath Puja is a beautiful blend of tradition, nature, and family bonding.

5 lines on Chhath Puja

  1. Chhath Puja is a happy festival celebrated in India.
  2. People say thanks to the Sun God for giving us life.
  3. Families clean their homes and wear colorful clothes.
  4. Women fast and pray for their families' well-being.
  5. It's a time for joy, traditions, and being together with loved ones.


Q. What is Chhath Puja?

Ans: Chhath Puja is a happy festival in India where we thank the Sun God for life.

Q. Where is Chhath Puja celebrated?

Ans: It's mainly celebrated in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand.

Q. What do families do during Chhath Puja?

Ans: Families clean their homes, wear colorful clothes, and come together for celebrations.

Q. Why do women play a special role in Chhath Puja?

Ans: Women fast and pray for the well-being of their families during the festival.

Q. How long does Chhath Puja last?

Ans: It spans four days, each with its own unique rituals and traditions.

Chhath Puja is a beautiful blend of tradition, nature, and family bonding, creating a lively and festive atmosphere in communities. Students in school, are often asked to write 10 lines about Chhath Puja. We help the students to do their homework in an effective way. We hope you have got some learning on the above subject that was 10 lines on Chhath Puja.

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