Essay on Sukhdev in English - Sukhdev par nibandh English mein

Today, we are sharing Essay on Sukhdev in English. This article can help the students who are looking for essay on Sukhdev in Hindi. This is the simple and short essay on Sukhdev which is very easy to understand it line by line. The level of this article is mid-level so, it will be helpful for small and big student and they can easily write on this topic. This is the Long essay on Sukhdev that will be useful for class 5, class 6, and class 7, class 8, 9, 10.

essay on sukhdev in english

Essay on Sukhdev in English - Sukhdev par nibandh English mein

Role: Many revolutionary people have played a role in India's independence. Apart from this, many great men have also laid down their lives to liberate the country. Sukhdev's name is the most famous among those great men. Sukhdev was a childhood friend of Bhagat Singh. The two studied together and grew up together. And have laid down their lives together to get the country free from the British.

Sukhdev was the true son of the land of India. He laid down his life for the country. Sukhdev is a source of inspiration for us. Sukhdev's full name was Sukhdev Thapar.

Sukhdev's early life: On 15 May 1907, revolutionary leader Sukhdev was born in Naughar locality of Chaura Bazar area of ​​Ludhiana city of Punjab state. People have two types of opinions regarding the place of birth of Sukhdev. Some people believe that he was born in the Nowghar area of ​​Ludhiana city and some people believe that he was born in Lalaypur.

But he was actually born in Ludhiana. His father's name was Ramlal and his mother's name was Ralli Devi. His father died three months before his mother was about to give birth to her next child.

Sukhdev was brought up by his father-in-law, Achintram Thapar. His Taiji also loved him very much. They both loved him like their own son. Sukhdev Ji respected him very much and used to obey everything he said.

Education of Sukhdev: Primary education of Sukhdev Ji was completed in the village school of the village. After that, he got admission to the National College of Punjab. It was founded by Lala Lajpat Rai. Sukhdev was greatly influenced by Lala Lajpat and took part in many movements under his leadership. Apart from this, when there was a non-cooperation movement in the country, Sukhdev also participated in it.

His brother Parmanand Thapar was appointed the principal of the college. In Punjab National College, students were told about how to discharge their duty toward the country. It was in Lahore College that Sukhdev met with Bhagat Singh, Yashpal, and Jaidev Gupta. Their friendship deepened as they shared similar ideologies.

Sukhdev's association with the freedom struggle: When the Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in 1919 and 'martial law' was in force in many cities of Punjab, he was only 12 years old and studied in the seventh standard. During martial law, Sukhdev's uncle Achintaram was arrested.

Which had a deep impact on his mind. When Sukhdev's uncle was in jail after his arrest, children from all the city schools were gathered and greeted in front of 'Union Jack', but Sukhdev did not attend.

Upon his uncle's return, he proudly told him not to bow down to the Union Jack. During the non-cooperation movement of Mahatma Gandhi in 1921, there was a wave of awakening in the whole country. Changes also started in Sukhdev's life. He was fond of fine and expensive clothes, tie-collars, hats, and coats.

But after the non-cooperation movement, he gave up the English clothes and started wearing Khadi clothes. He learned the Hindi language and also promoted it. He believed that a national language is needed for the upliftment of the country and only Hindi can fulfill this need.

Revolutionary life of Sukhdev: Due to the feeling of love for his country, he took admitted to the National College. His revolutionary life started with his admission to this college. Here he became friends with Bhagat Singh, Yashpal, Jaidev Gupta, and Jhanda Singh. All of them were supporters of a strong revolution like theirs.

He used to make preparations for the formation of the organization with Bhagat Singh and other companions after his studies or sometimes leaving his studies.

He along with Bhagat Singh and Bhagwati Charan Vohra formed the Nau Jawan Bharat Sabha in 1926. He was also a member of the Hindustan Republican Association and served as the leader of the Punjab province. To avenge the death of Lala Lajpat Rai, he decided to kill Saunders and Bhagat Singh also helped him in this work.

Sukhdev was a very close friend of Bhagat Singh and used to cooperate step by step in all his works. Sukhdev propagated revolutionary ideology so that more and more youth could join him and agitate against the British. He was arrested and kept in jail for the Lahore Conspiracy. At that time Bhagat Singh along with his companions went on a hunger strike for the rights of political prisoners in which Sukhdev was also involved.

Sukhdev sentenced to Lahore Conspiracy Case: In the Lahore Conspiracy Case, Sukhdev was hanged on 8 October 1930. Along with him, Bhagat Singh and Rajguru were also considered guilty in the Lahore Conspiracy Case by the government which issued an order to hang them. All the big revolutionaries of the country Bhagat Singh were constantly trying to get Sukhdev and Rajguru free from jail. Gandhiji was completely impartial on this matter, none of his statements came nor did he try.

Martyrdom of Sukhdev: It was determined by the British government at the time of the execution of Sukhdev Bhagat Singh and Rajguru on 24 March 1931. But the then Punjab Home Secretary issued orders to hang Sukhdev Bhagat Singh and Rajguru on 23 March 1921 itself. The reason behind this is said to be that the government was afraid that if the public came to know when they would be hanged, then the public could launch a revolutionary movement.

Which would be difficult for the British government to deal with, so they passed his execution a day before, and secretly he was hanged on the night itself and his dead body was also burnt.

Epilogue: Sukhdev may not be with us today but their phenomenal work done by him is incomparable. Apart from this, his ideology will live forever in India and we all need to take inspiration from his life. Sukhdev was a true son of India who laid down his life for the benefit of the country.

That's why we all should bow down to him and our true tribute to him will be that we should always keep working for the interest of the country so that our country's pride remains forever.

F.A.Q ( Frequently asked questions )

  1. Who was Sukhdev?
  2. Many revolutionary people played a role in the independence of India. Apart from this, many great men have also laid down their lives to liberate the country. Sukhdev's name is the most famous among those great men.

  3. What was the name of Sukhdev's father?
  4. Sukhdev's father's name was Ramlal.

  5. What was the name of Sukhdev's mother?
  6. Sukhdev's mother's name was Ralli Devi.

  7. When and where was Sukhdev born?
  8. Revolutionary leader Sukhdev was born on 15 May 1907 in Naughar locality of Chaura Bazar area of ​​Ludhiana city of Punjab state.

  9. When and how did Sukhdev die?
  10. He died by hanging by the British Government on 23 March 1921, along with Bhagat Singh and Rajguru were also hanged.

  11. Which freedom fighter was the Lahore Conspiracy Case from?
  12. The Lahore Conspiracy Case is related to Sukhdev.

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